Friday, April 30, 2010


This situtation is more difficult, food is hard to find and expensive because the shortage of oil. Last time I went to Ralphs and the meat was gone and vegetable were expensive to buy. Transportation was our main source to bring produce now with shortage oil is hard to bring goods and the goods are expensive. I go now to the local farmermarket on the weekends. They have fresh produce and meat for reasonable price. It is organic is better than going to regular market. I am started my own garden in my backyard to save money and to have my fresh produce.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


If gas stations and flights are cancel or close because shortage of oil. The economy is going to go down, transportation is a big component in our country. We buy and sell goods to other countries without transportation we are not going to receive goods to sell. Business are going to go down people would lose jobs which mean people are not going to buy goods. Which means no revenue to our country which it would leads us into more deficit. People are going too lose it seeing that they are losing homes and change their lifestyle because shortage of oil. At this point it is difficult to me not be able to wash my hair and body with shampoo. It difficult for me to not drive my car and instead I am riding my bike. Now in days it difficult to even get food because pesticides were made of oil

Demand and supply

Demand represents all of the different quantities of a good or service that consumers buy in different prices. Supply means the ability of producers to provide goods and services at different prices in the marketplace. Did you know

as oil still decreasing

As I see the news about shortage of oil transportation is getting difficult to afford. I have a car and it is ridiculous it is 10 dollars for gallon of gas. I am giving up my car and start to go to work in my bicycle. Anyways it good to do exercise....right?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life without shampoo

Today I went to the target to buy shampoo. All section of shampoo were gone there were no shampoo. I ask one of the workers what happen how come is all gone the worker said that shampoo is made of oil. The shortage of oil made companies to produce less shampoo products. How I am going to shower and wash my hair now??