Friday, May 14, 2010


During the past few days things started to get better. Our government resolve the problem on shortage of oil. We have oil can you believe this? This situtation made me realize that we depend on oil to much. Imagine what would of happen if they did not resolve this problem what would of happen?? This mean to take action I am keeping the lifestyle I learn from the shortage of oil. I am still going to by my groceries in the farmersmarket, I am trying not to use the car that much instead I am using my bike, and I am keeping my vegetable garden I am saving money and it organic. I am still learnig not to depend on oil now when I travel I disconect all electronics, recycle cans, and instead of using plastic bags I bring my own bags. This experince has impact my life that many things we use or do we all depend in one source on oil and now it is time for a change.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

oil spill!!!

After the oil spill people was protesting outside the company like is my fault the oil spill happen. People are following to my house saying “would you like your home to be destroyed like you destroy the home of the fish, mammals, and other marine creatures.” I am doing whatever it takes to clean the mess the company did I already put 10 billion dollars because legislators decided to raise it. I know this oil spill is affecting the fisherman, shrimpers, and tourism in the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico. It affects the cargo from other countries because they can’t import cargo in the coastlines. As executive of BP I am trying my best to clean up this mess as soon as possible.


It been days people are panicking riots are happening in the city and around the country. In Hawaii economy depend on tourists now with shortage of oil tourists can not go to Hawaii because the prices of transportation. Hotels are close, people are being unemployed, which mean people are not earning income, and taxes are not entering to the state public services can not be afford. In my city budget cuts are affecting me college tuition is has increase I am the first to go to college. I am trying to apply for a part time job but instead of hiring they are laying of people. I apply to Costco they denied me the job. I really do not know what to do?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Unemployment, Chaos, School

It been days people are panicking riots are happening in the city and around the country. In Hawaii economy depend on tourists now with shortage of oil tourists can not go to Hawaii because the prices of transportation. Hotels are close, people are being unemployed, which mean people are not earning income, and taxes are not entering to the state public services can not be afford. In my city budget cuts are affecting me college tuition is has increase I am the first to go to college. I am trying to apply for a part time job but instead of hiring they are laying of people. I apply to Costco they denied me the job. I really do not know what to do?